What do you say to the teachers' unions when they come after you?
What's Different About
An Apogee School?
What's the Mission of
Apogee Strong?
Internet Negates Knowledge As Power. Why Persist Teaching
It In Schools?
What Do You Say to Parents who say, "It's my job to get them through college."?
What if i am angry about the injustice of the school system? What's the best way to
channel that?
What is the biggest hurdle for parents to see the problem in the school system and to react to it for their own children?
What Would You Do
If You're A Parent Who Wants to Take Action?
What's meant by wanting Apogee as a creative revolution? Don't revolutions destroy?
Why Apogee school? What's the elevator pitch?
Why Do You Refer to Them as Heroes Instead of Students?
Why Is It that Schools and Prisons Look the Same?
How can other
people help?
How did you decide to start Apogee School?
What's the mission? What is Apogee here to do?
How do we wake up a generation of parents who don't even see the real problem ?
How does Apogee school create critical thinkers and
not just students?
What is Apogee's stance on physical activity & exposure to the outdoors its for students?
Who's Matt Beaudreau to you? And how did you guys come together as partners?
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to
have tried to succeed.”